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Another Step

As many of you know, Kathleen passed away a few weeks ago on December 10th. I,

her son John, created this blog and helped her manage it, hence the URL. I'd like to share my father's reflections from the funeral, and a few closing thoughts.


In the past week and a half, so many people have written or spoken to me about Kathleen. I want to share some of the words and phrases that give a sense of all the beautiful things people think of her:

Expertise, integrity, and compassion

Tireless work ethic

An incisive mind and a wry and constant sense of humor

Brilliant and ethical

A role model, professionally and personally

This woman was a rock star

Talking with her always made me want to up my conversational game

Couldn’t be nicer, smarter, or more caring

Patient and nurturing

Kind and wise

Endlessly confident

Loved her sons for themselves

Having had her in my life is worth the pain I feel now

I want you to know that I take great comfort in these words because they demonstrate that people truly knew her in all her aspects, and that she was genuinely the same person with all of us, brilliant and compassionate. Because we knew her true self, we carry her with us, and she’s not gone, but an ongoing part of us.

After being hopelessly in love with her for over 30 years, I knew her probably better than anyone else ever, and I am so blessed to have had her in my life, and to carry her in my heart for the remainder of it.

I wrote something about Kathleen, too, when I woke up the first morning after she had died. I think it augments what you already know about her, and I’d like to share those words with you now.

I got to see her vulnerability, her fears, her uncertainty, 

How deeply and sometimes painfully she cared and loved, 

How shortcomings, regrets, and injuries stayed with her

And spurred her to become an even better, deeper person.

She was a force, but not like a landslide or a jet engine;

She was like sunshine or a flower growing and finding a way 

To spread something beautiful and meaningful quietly,

So that over time you realize how having her in your life 

Has made you a better person, for yourself and also toward others.

She was my best friend and she was my hero.

Goodbye, Honey. (Mi flor pequeña.)


I'd like to thank you all for your continued support through my mom's diagnosis and treatment. This has been a difficult time for our family, and the support we've received in letters, messages, and emails has made a big difference. I'm notified every time someone leaves a comment on these blog posts, and I'd love to hear the unique ways that she made an impact for those of you who follow the blog.

John Kelley

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